Annual General Assembly

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Annual General Meeting of Members 2024 

When : April 20th, 2024 @ 9h00

Where : A.N.A.F., 300 St-Francis St., Sherbrooke


9h00​  1- Opening of the meeting
 2- Introductions of the officers and administrators
9h15​3- Reading and adoption of the agenda
4- Reading and adopting the minutes from the 2023 AGM
(Reading of same will not be necessary as all members have received copies of the minutes ofthe 2023 AGM)
5- Business arising from the minutes
9h406- Presentation and approval of 2023 financial statement
7- Appointment of Internal Audit Committee members for 2024
8- Presentation of budget estimates for 2024
10h009- Presentation of President’s, Officer’s and Director’s reports (Annex A)
10- Questions to directors relative to their written reports
11- Approval of the Board’s actions since the last AGM
10h1512- Introduction of new members
10h2013- Approval for changes to the club’s by-laws (Annexe B)
14- Election of the directors (Annexe C)
11h0015- Statistic on the hunting success
11h3016- Recruitment of volunteers for the various committees
17- Presentation of the trophies
18- Draw for exclusive reservations at Main Camp for Christmas and New Year’s
19- Announcements
12h0020- Presentation of new officers if necessary
21- Adjournment

Note: Lunch provided free of charge by the club to all members present during the meeting. Drinks will be at your expense.